Conservation and Preservation of palm-leaf manuscript at Wat Pho Thong Lang Nonthaburi Province

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Orawan Chueanoi


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the contents from palm leaf manuscript at Wat Pho Thong Lang; 2) to build networks for conservation and preservation of palm leaf manuscript and 3) to fulfill historical information for Wat Pho Thong Lang and BangKhen canal community by using preserved document as a media for storytelling. Moreover, this research integrated teaching academic activities, academic service projects into the research process that received cooperation from stakeholders in various sectors, such as the ancient language scholars, BangKhen canal community, university scholars and staff, including the undergraduate students of Chandrakasem Rajaphat University to participate in the workshop.

            The findings indicated that 35 contents of palm-leaf manuscript transliterated and then investigated were pertinent to Buddhism through cleaning process, conservation and preservation, which were commissioned by the university students and BangKhen canal community based on the academic principles. The importance of Wat Pho Thong Lang and BangKhen canal community, according to the data collected from transliterated documents and key persons in the temple, the palm-leaf manuscript revealed that Wat Pho Thong Lang might have been the religious school or sources of information during the reign of King Rama IV – V. This information was reaffirmed by the ex-abbot (Provost Chey Chandrasiri), the important master of Luang Pu Suk of Wat Pak Khlong Makham Thao who ordained and studied dharma at this temple. Moreover, the researcher found the Tipitaka of King Rama V edition was the first edition with 1,000 copies which were disseminated to 249 temples. Although Wat Pho Thong Lang was off the record, it was assumed that such discovery was contributed by one of the royal members in King Rama V.

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How to Cite
Chueanoi, O. (2023). Conservation and Preservation of palm-leaf manuscript at Wat Pho Thong Lang Nonthaburi Province. RMUTK Journal of Liberal Arts, 5(2), 54–69. Retrieved from
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