The Television Documentary Production for Public Relations on Making Herbal Medicine Balls

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Napassorn Amavat
Jutharat Thonglor
Thittahn Neamchuchuen
Parinya Sanyadej


This research aims to 1) produce a television documentary for public relations on the making of herbal medicine balls and 2) study satisfaction with the documentary for public relations on the making of herbal medicine balls. After the production, the television documentary was provided to experts for quality assessment in three aspects: content, narrative execution, and editing. Experts’ feedback was gathered to make revisions. Subsequently, the satisfaction level was assessed among a sample group of 100 tourists who visited the Bang Nam Phueng Floating Market in Bang Nam Phueng Sub-district, Phra Pradaeng District, Samut Prakan Province. According to the Taro Yamane sampling table, the results revealed that: 1) The expert evaluation of the quality of the documentary for public relations on making herbal medicine balls averaged a high level, with an overall mean (gif.latex?\bar{X}) of 4.96 and a standard deviation (S.D.) of 0.19. Experts agreed that the content was excellent, the presentation was engaging, and the editing was clear and concise. 2) The post-viewing satisfaction assessment of the documentary for public relations on making herbal medicine balls, conducted with the sample group, revealed a high level of satisfaction, with a mean (gif.latex?\bar{X}) of 4.53 and a standard deviation (S.D.) of 0.05.

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How to Cite
Amavat , N., Thonglor, J., Neamchuchuen, T., & Sanyadej, P. (2023). The Television Documentary Production for Public Relations on Making Herbal Medicine Balls. RMUTK Journal of Liberal Arts, 5(2), 42–53. Retrieved from
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