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The purposes of this study included the following: 1) Study the gambling behavior of elderly individuals receiving the old-age allowance in Kuruku Subdistrict, Mueang Nakhon Phanom District, Nakhon Phanom Province, and 2) Gather opinions and suggestions to reduce the impact of gambling among these elderly individuals. The study employs a quantitative approach, using questionnaires to collect data from 266 respondents. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and frequency distribution analysis.
The research revealed these results: 1) Most elderly individuals engage in various forms of gambling, viewing gambling and lottery as the same. However, government-regulated lottery tickets are not considered gambling, while other types of gambling are. The elderly can easily access gambling services near their homes, reflecting how gambling has blended into daily life. On average, they spend 702 baht per month on gambling, with the 60-69 age group spending the most at 726 baht per month. It was also found that women are more likely to gamble than men, believing they are lucky and have a chance to win. 2)The elderly perceive gambling as another form of investment, despite its risks, seeing it to test their dreams and use their assets for betting. When asked about legalizing gambling in their area, the majority opposed the idea, fearing it would lead to social problems such as crime, gambling addiction, informal loans, and economic difficulties. However, some believe that legalization could create jobs and generate revenue for the government to develop the country. Despite this, some concerns legalizing gambling may not significantly increase government revenue and could lead to more social issues.
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