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Providing social welfare services for the elderly is a service that is necessary for improving the quality of life of the elderly in various aspects. It is a government policy that emphasizes the importance of providing social welfare services for the elderly to be effective and comprehensive in all aspects. 1) The objective of this research were to study the level of social welfare services for the elderly and 2) to compare the provision of social welfare services for the elderly by Ladsawai Municipality, Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani Province, classified according to personal characteristics. It was a survey research using a questionnaire administered to 400 people aged 60 years and older residing in Ladsawai Municipality, Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani Province. The statistics used in the research included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test. Differences were examined using pairwise comparisons with the LSD method.
Providing social welfare services for the elderly is a service that is necessary for improving the quality of life of the elderly in various aspects. It is a government policy that emphasizes the importance of providing social welfare services for the elderly to be effective and comprehensive in all aspects. The research results concluded that Elderly people perceived that Ladsawai Municipality was able to provide overall social welfare services for the elderly at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the areas where services were provided at a high level included assistance with living allowances, health facilitation, and self-development and education. However, services related to the safety of life and property, as well as organizing sports and recreation activities, were provided at a moderate level. Elderly people with different personal characteristics had differing opinions on the provision of social welfare services. Specifically, elderly individuals with different marital statuses, education levels, occupations, average monthly incomes, and sources of income had varying opinions on the provision of social welfare services by Ladsawai Municipality, with statistically significant differences at the .05 level.
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