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This research aims to investigate: 1) the impacts of sports tourism development in Chonburi Province, 2) the community's attitudes towards sports tourism development in Chonburi Province, and 3) the factors influencing the community's attitudes towards sports tourism development. This is an exploratory study with a sample size of 400 residents in Chonburi Province, particularly in the areas of Bangsaen and Pattaya. Inferential analysis, specifically multiple regression analysis, was used to examine the relationship between the impacts of sports tourism development and the community's attitudes.
The results revealed that respondents generally agreed with the positive impacts of sports tourism development, especially in terms of government and relevant agencies' support, as well as economic and social benefits. However, they disagreed with the environmental impacts. The analysis found that government and relevant agencies' support had a positive influence on the community's attitudes. Increased support led to more positive attitudes (Beta = .433, t = 7.875). Conversely, environmental impacts had a negative influence, with increased perceived environmental impacts leading to less favorable attitudes towards sports tourism (Beta = -.153, t = -3.448).
The findings highlight the importance of managing and mitigating environmental impacts, as well as strong government support, to promote sustainable sports tourism.
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