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This research is quantitative research with the objective 1) To analyze the level of educational resource management of small primary schools. and 2) Confirming component analysis of educational resource management of small primary schools. The sample consisted of 150 small primary school administrators under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, selected through simple random sampling. Data were collected using a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire and analyze quantitative data with statistics, frequencies, percentages, averages, and standard deviations. Confirmatory factor analysis (Confirmatory Factor Analysis: CFA)
The research findings were as follows:
1) On the level of educational resource management in small primary schools, budget management had the highest score, followed by personnel management, facilities and learning resources management, material and equipment management, and educational resource mobilization, respectively.
2) On the confirmatory component analysis of educational resource management in small primary schools, the model was significantly consistent with empirical data, with Chi-square = 381.710, df = 245, p = 0.000, CMIN/DF = 1.558, CFI = .955, GFI = .824, AGFI = .790, RMR = .026, and RMSEA = .061. These indices indicated that the measurement model of educational resource management in small primary schools was significantly aligned with the empirical data, demonstrating that the measurement model of educational resource management in small primary schools was consistent with the empirical data as hypothesized.
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