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Thanong Thongphubate
Katchrin Kanpinit
Surakij Prangsorn
Ratthachakphon Samthongklum
Puncharat Tosamphan
Kullaphat kulchartdilok


Research on the role of sustainability support factors in the effectiveness of supervision in this study. Its purpose is to 1) study the supportive factors for sustainability towards the effectiveness of educational supervision, 2) develop a structural equation model of supportive factors for sustainability towards the effectiveness of educational supervision, and 3) analyze the mediating role of supportive factors for sustainability towards the effectiveness of educational supervision. The sample group consisted of 156 primary school directors, selected by simple random sampling. Data were collected using a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire and analyze quantitative data with statistics, frequencies, percentages, averages, and standard deviations. Confirmatory factor analysis (Confirmatory Factor Analysis: CFA) Qualitative data were analyzed using inductive content analysis. and interpret the role of sustainability support factors in the effectiveness of educational supervision.

The research findings revealed that:

1) the overall supportive factors for sustainability towards the effectiveness of educational supervision were at the highest level,

2) the structural equation model of supportive factors for sustainability towards the effectiveness of educational supervision showed a Chi-square (χ²) value of 206.036, df = 102, p = 0.000, CMIN/DF = 2.020, CFI = 0.954, RMR = 0.018, and RMSEA = 0.081, indicating that the model was well-fitted, and

3) the mediating role of supportive factors for sustainability towards the effectiveness of educational supervision showed that supportive factors had a significant role in promoting the effectiveness of educational supervision, with a direct relationship with practice (regression coefficient 0.90) and effectiveness (regression coefficient 0.86). Additionally, there was an indirect mediating role through practice, where good practice (regression coefficient 0.78) helped enhance the effectiveness of educational supervision. Supportive factors for sustainability promoted good practice and increased the effectiveness of educational supervision both directly and indirectly.

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Research Articles


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