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Wachira Chaiblam
Wallop Piriyawatthana
Teerawat Phumdara
Sirinya Siriyanan


This study was conducted in the light of the general election on May 14, 2023, which resulted in the Pheu Thai Party forming a government and later Mr. Sutin Klangsang was  appointed Minister of Defense by Royal Decree. This position holds significant importance as it directly influences key political variables related to the military, given his role as the highest executive authority. The Army Welfare Department, a government department under the Royal Thai Army, is responsible for implementing  governmentals and ministerial policies. This research, therefore, aims 1) to study the level of expectations of the personnel of the Army Welfare Department towards the Armed Forces Development Policy under Mr. Sutin Klungsang and 2) to compare these expectations based on personal factors.  This quantitative research collected data using questionnaires from 292 officials of the Army Welfare Department. The data were analyzed using statistical methods, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, and paired t-test.

            The results showed that 1) The average level of expectations of the Army Welfare Department personnel to the Army Development Policy to Mr. Sutin Klangsang. Minister of Defense. Overall is at a very high level. 2) The results of comparing the level of expectations of the samples, classified by individual factors, showed that. the personnel of Army Welfare Department on the Army's Gender Average monthly income The highest level of education and rank level There is a level of expectation for the development policy of the armed forces. Mr. Sutin Klungsang Minister of Defense It is no different. And the personnel of Army Welfare Department with age and length of service have a level of expectation different the statistical significance level of 0.05

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