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The objectives of this research were 1) to study level of political culture of the democratic affecting political development of politicians, 2) to analyze political culture of the democratic affecting political development of politicians, and 3) to present political development guideline of politicians in Nonthaburi province. This research was mixed methodology. The conceptual framework of the research was applied from Lucian W. Pye ‘s study. The population consisted of 1,288,637 people who aged 18 years old and lived in Nonthaburi province. The samples were 400 people determined by Krejcie & Morgan’s table and interviewed 15politicians, community leaders. The instruments used in this research were a 5-rating scale questionnaire, and interview form and content summarize. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis.
The research results revealed that 1) level of political culture of the democratic affecting political development of politicians as a whole was at a moderate level. When considering each aspect from the most to least, it was found that not having a dictatorial mind was at the highest average, followed by constructive criticism and reasoning. By optimistic, awareness of civic duty, participation in political activities, respecting the rules of democratic governance, and faith in democracy were at moderate levels. Adhering to the importance and dignity of the person was at the lowest level.2) The analysis results on political culture of the democratic found that 5 aspects including respecting the rules of democratic governance, participation in political activities, optimistic, constructive criticism and reasoning, not having a dictatorial mind affecting political development of local politicians in Nonthaburi province at 50.30% with statistically significant level of .01 , and 3) political development guideline of politicians in Nonthaburi province must carry out promotions regarding the democratic system and political culture. All parties join in preventing and suppressing corruption, develop the political system to be efficient and people must participate in political activities, votes and express opinions in public activities.
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