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Phra Panoom Mahapoonyo
Phra Jirawat Aninchito
Phra Theerasit Sirisuvanno


The objectives of this research were 1) to study stray dog problems in Wat Sri Soda mueang district Chiang Mai province. 2) to suggest guidelines for stray dog problems in Wat Sri Soda mueang district Chiang. The sample group consisted of 50 monks and novices inside Sri Soda temple. Area of research is Sri Soda temple. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The results of the research found that; 1) stray dog problems in Wat Sri Soda mueang district Chiang Mai province both aspects were at a high level ( =3.89, S.D.=1.242). ธthe problem state of stray dog were at a high level ( =3.89, S.D.=1.242). The owner released the dog in Wat Sri Soda got the high average ( =4.48, S.D.=1.054). People should play a role in solving the problem of stray dogs, the value is at a high level ( =4.12, S.D.=1.062), and the item with the lowest average, safety problems from stray dogs in Wat Sri Soda, the value is at a high level ( =3.44, S.D.=1.430). Problems caused by stray dogs were at a high level ( =3.67, S.D.=1.246). Stray dogs in Wat Sri Soda are grouped together got the highest average ( =4.26, S.D.=1.046). Stray dog droppings cause hygiene problems, the value is at a high level ( =3.78, S.D.=1.271), and the item with the lowest average, stray dogs have a habit of biting people or pets, the value is at a high level ( =3.20, S.D.=1.324). 2) The suggestions were that; stray dogs should be vaccinated, given birth control pills or sterilized, there should be an organization or municipality that provides a place to care for stray dogs, monitoring and notifying dog leaders to places where stray dogs are raised, and systematically manage stray dogs.

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