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Ploypatcha Kowsuwankit
Nutchanun Wongmoolithikorn
Jakkraparn Limmangkur
Nippeach Krueangsanuk
Siripong Manasri


Human are like the capital of an organization. “Human Capital” refers to the skills, knowledge, abilities and experiences that human have accumulated within themselves. And being able to put those things together until  it becomes the potential or driving force of the organization towards success.

          This academic article “Human capital development in Thai public sector and New Public Governance (NPG). The author focuses on the content about concept of human capital development in Thai public sector and connected to the concept about new public governance, which is the paradigm of public administration in present. Consisting of 6 New Public Governance mission: 1) The Administration using a market or quasi-market model for the delivery of Public Service. 2) The Administration in the form of corporate governance 3) The Administration in the form of New Public Management 4) The Administration in the form of Good Governance 5) The Administration by connected social-political systems and 6) The Administration in the form network.

          By developing government human capital to prepare government personal, it is necessary to consider strategies for selecting government human resources, including; 1) Selecting valuable human resources. 2) Selecting rare human resources. 3) Selecting human resources that are difficult to imitate. and 4) Establishing a good human resources management system.

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Academic Article


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