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Amporn Panya
Siriporn Mongkolwat
Chaiyut Sanguankaew
Supawadee Sasingh
Charoen Srisalak
Tassanan Asasuk


The local leaders play a crucial role in the management and development of the locality, as they act as the bridge between the community's needs and the nation's development policies. This research objectives were: 1) Characteristics of local leaders towards the administration of Bangkhonthi Subdistrict Administrative Organization. 2) The suggestions on the characteristics of local leaders for the administration of Bangkhonthi Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Bangkhonthi District, Samut- songkhram Province, This research article was quantitative. The research area was Bangkhonthi Subdistrict, Bangkhonthi District, Samutsongkhram Province. The sample was 400 voters in Bangkhonthi Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Bangkhonthi District, Samut- songkhram Province. The sample size was determined according to Taro Yamane's table. The research tool was a questionnaire.  Data analysis was using percentage, mean and standard deviation. 

The research results found that:

  1. Characteristics of local leaders towards the administration of Bangkhonthi Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Bangkhonthi District, Samutsongkhram Province, overall, it was at a high level ( = 3.76). When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a high level in every aspect, arranged in order of the areas with high to low average values as follows: morality and ethics ( = 3.85), vision (  = 3.72), personal characteristics ( = 3.68), management (  = 3.66), responsibility (  = 3.62) and leadership (  = 3.55), respectively.

  2. The suggestions on the characteristics of local leaders for the administration of Bangkhonthi Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Bangkhonthi District, Samut- songkhram Province, including executives should conduct themselves according to the morality principles both in daily life and official duties. Secondly, administrators should continuously visit the area to provide assistance and listen to the problems of people in the area. Administrators should allow more people to participate in the administration of Subdistrict Administrative Organization. And executives should be leaders in making positive changes, having vision, having modern ideas, and move forward.

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