Main Article Content

Cao Hui
Yin Xiaoli


With the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, as well as the continuous acceleration of industrial upgrading and economic restructuring, higher education is facing common challenges and development opportunities to varying degrees. The construction and operation of teacher development centers are also facing new opportunities and challenges. Internet information technology is not only a material revolution, but also a profound cultural and educational transformation, which is driving significant changes in teaching and learning. In a certain sense, the application ability of information technology is a necessary professional ability for teachers in the information society. Currently, most university teachers have significantly improved their awareness and ability in information technology education and teaching. The application of information technology in education and teaching practice is constantly expanding, and its supporting and leading role in teacher professional development is increasingly evident. However, in the process of promoting educational informatization, there are still problems such as the need to deepen ideological understanding, the urgent need to improve the application ability of information technology, and the phenomenon of “two skins” between informatization and education and teaching. To this end, it is necessary for teachers to fully understand and understand the revolutionary impact of information technology on education, strengthen the training of teachers’ information technology application ability, improve the follow-up support service system for teacher training, and strengthen the construction of high-quality information education teaching resources.

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Research Articles


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