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Watcharakorn Thomchoho


This article examines the issue of the autopsy process, which is a process under the Criminal Procedure Act. The objective is to find evidence to prove the truth. Find the cause of death and bring the perpetrators to justice. This is a fundamental right that the state must step in to recognize and protect in cases where life is unfairly taken. However, there are limitations on autopsies for Muslim believers. They have practices regarding corpses that are against Thai law. Islam has strict rules regarding funeral arrangements, such as the funeral must be held immediately, the body must not be kept, and religious ceremonies and burial must be held within 24 hours of death. The funeral director must be of the same gender and of the same religion as the corpse. Muslims are of the opinion that performing an autopsy using a dissecting knife is like injuring and destroying the corpse. Therefore they did not agree to allow the corpse to be dissected. An autopsy is a forensic science process that produces evidence that is important in determining the truth. Muslims do not consent to an autopsy. This makes the work of officials in finding evidence to carry out the justice process difficult. Ultimately, striking a balance between the rights of individuals to practice their religion and the pursuit of justice is a complex task that requires careful consideration and understanding from all parties involved.


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