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Chaiwat Somsa-ang


This research aims to achieve several objectives. Firstly, it seeks to comprehensively study the environment and potential of commercial sandalwood flower wreath producers. Secondly, it aims to develop sandalwood flower wreath patterns through the implementation of a participatory process. Finally, it endeavors to survey the satisfaction of product buyers, specifically focusing on their perceptions of the beautiful patterns resulting from the product development process.  In order to investigate the research objectives comprehensively, this research adopts a mixed-methods approach to comprehensively investigate the research objectives. Qualitative research is employed, utilizing a participatory method that actively involves a group of 7 members. Additionally, quantitative research is conducted using a questionnaire to assess the satisfaction levels of a purposive random sample of 30 customers, with a specific focus on evaluating aesthetic dimensions. The data collected for this study were subjected to analysis using descriptive statistics, specifically employing measures such as mean and standard deviation.

​​          The findings of the study revealed several key insights. Firstly, in terms of strengths, the leader demonstrated effective management of work, leveraging the abilities of group members. Additionally, the group exhibited equitable income distribution and possessed an efficient transportation and ordering system. However, a notable weakness identified was the group members' limited ability to independently innovate and create new patterns. In relation to opportunities, the study identified that increased promotion and public relations efforts by government agencies could enhance customer awareness and familiarity with the products both within and beyond the sub-district, consequently leading to potential income growth for group members. On the contrary, the group encountered a distinct challenge whereby they shared the viewpoint that the arrangement pattern of sandalwood flowers on the wreaths bore striking resemblance to those adopted by other groups. Secondly, employing a community participation process, the study revealed that the group engaged in collaborative activities such as collectively designing distinctive patterns, collaboratively refining patterns to enhance their aesthetic appeal, and collaboratively assigning names to new patterns, including the Cho Phaka pattern, Rasami Khae pattern, and Sai Natee pattern. Thirdly, based on a survey conducted to gauge buyer satisfaction with the aesthetic dimension of patterns resulting from product development, the study identified the top two satisfaction scores. The first pertained to the aesthetic dimension of novelty, with a mean score of 4.80 and a standard deviation of 0.48. Similarly, the aesthetic dimension of pattern appropriateness garnered a mean score of 4.77 and a standard deviation of 0.50, reflecting the highest level of satisfaction across all items.

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