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Chayanisa Thanichananan
Chatchawal Sangthongluan
Kanjana Punoiam
Supattra Yoddurang


The purpose of research on Solar Energy Business Management Innovation of Producers in the Lower Central Region 2 were to study (1) innovation in solar power business management of manufacturers in the lower central region 2 that affects the growth of the power generation business, (2) conditions of problems and obstacles affecting the development of solar power in the lower central provinces 2 and (3) development model for solar energy business management innovation of producers in the lower central region 2. It was a qualitative research, which collected data from in-depth interviews with 20 people involved in solar energy business management of manufacturers in the lower central region 2, by selecting a specific model from Phetchaburi Province and Prachuap Khiri Khan Province which is an area with many entrepreneurs and content analysis.

          The research results found that ; (1) Innovations in solar power business management for producers in the lower central region 2, that affect the growth of the power generation business, consisting of process, data and information, development of high-voltage transmission line networks, Increasing energy consumption targets, Increasing solar power production and business plans, (2) conditions of problems and obstacles affecting the development of solar power in the lower central region 2 consisting of the input factors, including costs, legal issues, administrative procedures and obtaining permits according to the requirements, organizational structure limitations of the transmission system, research and development, production process for distribution of products and the impact on the area, and (3) The innovation development model for solar energy business management of producers in the lower central region 2 according to NISA Model, consists of networking, innovation development, strategic plan organization, administration in the form of 5p (plan, products, power of participatory, public Relations, promotion)

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