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Pitchaphat Samparu
Suphattra Yodsurang
Rachaya Pakdeejit


This research article has a purpose. to study 1) To identity problems a personal financial management for retirement plan of private sector personnel in Bangkok and Vicinity. 2) To describe personal financial planning of private sector personnel for retirement planning in Bangkok and Vicinity and 3) To propose a personal financial management guideline for retirement plan of private sector personnel in Bangkok and Vicinity. This article is a survey research and qualitative research. Use the interview form Data were collected from planning experts, senior management, manager position, 30 people. use a specific approach, survey research uses questionnaires. The population and sample are: private sector personnel in Bangkok and Vicinity. The zoning was randomly divided according to the area of the Provincial Social Security Office of 24 areas in 6 provinces, namely Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Nakhon Pathom, Pathum Thani, Samut Sakhon and Samut Prakan. 400 people were conveniently selected.

The research results showed that 1) problems a personal financial management for retirement plan of private sector personnel in Bangkok and Vicinity, namely Income clearly affects savings, Expenditure or high expenses may be attributed to an increase in cost of living, Family burden, taking care of th family, working people who need to take care of 2 generations of parents and children, in terms of financial behavior affects savings that are less or no savings at all, and financial literacy skilI lack of understanding of access to diverse and complex financial services. 2) Personal financial planning for private sector personnel consisting of Savings planning, Investment planning, Insurance planning, Retirement planning, Tax planning and Inheritance planning. and 3) a personal financial management guideline for retirement plan of private sector personnel in Bangkok and Vicinity, for the purpose of living through financial management and planning prevent problem and build wealth suggestions in managing savings for stable retirement.

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