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Rakpong Sansri


The objectives of this article were to examine and synthesize research or academic articles related to the policy or law related to the registration of civil partnership in Thailand and provide recommendations for developing and conducting the research in the area of policy and law with regard to the registration of civil partnership in Thailand. Qualitative method research was adopted. The Thai-written articles relevant to the policy or law related to the registration of civil partnership in Thailand published in 2012 onwards on the Thai Journal Online database including Google Scholar were the population. Purposive sampling technique was also utilized to obtain the expected articles. Article analysis tool was developed to analyze the data. 

The results revealed that only 11 articles were eligible for conducting research synthesis. 10 articles relied on the qualitative method research while 1 article was found to utilize mixed-method research. Legalizing the registration of civil partnership in Thailand was the dimension that had been heavily studied compared to the policy dimension (10 articles). The legal issues that had been greatly examined included comparative laws and the right and protection granted to the same-sex couples. For conceptual framework, the Thai Civil and Commercial Code was mostly used, followed by civil partnership bill, and the US same-sex marriage law. Those 11 articles were found to focus on identifying the problems that same-sex couples had confronted caused by the lack of same-sex couple partnership law. For further research development and direction, it was highly recommended attitude toward legalizing the registration of the civil partnership bill be examined whether or not the Thai population responded to it positively or negatively.

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Research Articles


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