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Pranom Wongprom
Satit Niyomyaht
Kamolporn Kalyanamitra
Nattawat Siriphornwut


This research objectives were: 1) to study the problems and obstacles affecting the leadership in the management of Thai herbal processed products towards excellence, 2) to study the factors affecting the leadership in the management of Thai herbal processed products towards excellence; and 3) to study the guidelines developing leadership in the management of Thai herbal processed products towards excellence.  The research was qualitative. 20 key informants, namely group 1, representatives from the government sector, namely senior executives, junior management and government officials at all levels and, group 2 representatives from the private sector, including senior executives, operations executive and employees at all levels The research tools were structured interview forms for use in in-depth interviews. Data analysis was performed using content analysis methods and presenting a descriptive.

The results found that: 1) the problems and obstacles affecting the leadership in the management of Thai herbal processed products towards excellence were in the implementation of the government's policy on Thai herbal processed product development to achieve efficiency and effectiveness, 2) The factors affecting the leadership in the management of Thai herbal processed products towards excellence were separated by factors for each aspect: Leadership. Communication method. Confidence and trust. Team. Decision making. Collaboration and risk management;  and 3) the guidelines developing leadership in the management of Thai herbal processed products towards excellence found that knowledge and competence must be promoted, all-round essential skills promote the ability to think critically, train good management and risk management practice, decision making, training for motivation and empowerment and create an atmosphere for executives to continually create creative and innovative ideas.

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