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Airawee Wiraphanphong
Phichak Phutrakhul
Hatchakorn Vongsayan
Supattra Santirungroj


This article aims to study to synthesize innovation knowledge in 3 aspects of local administrative organizations in 3 aspects: research theoretical concepts, research methodology and results. This study used a qualitative research method and sample group used in this study consisted of 4 research papers at the master's and doctoral levels.

The results showed that most of the theoretical concepts used in the research were innovation concepts and concepts of local government. In terms of research methodology, it was found that qualitative research was used the most, followed by mixed research. The results of the study can be divided into 2 aspects: 1) the cause of innovation, whereby the important reasons for initiating innovation in local community are caused by 3 important reasons: economic, social and other aspects; and 2) The area of study found that although the work was categorized as local innovation, However, the areas used in the study of the four works differed due to the different definitions of locality by the researchers. The study results can be classified into 2 areas: 1) the area of the local administrative organization and 2) the area of the community.

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Research Articles


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