Analyze the relationship of respect and & vi in Thai society

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Phrakhrusamusukasem Sukhakhemo (Rotjpongkasem), Samart Sukhuprakan, Sirirote Namsena


This Research Article has three objectives: 1) to study the concept of respect in Theravada Buddhism, 2) to study the problem of Thai society lacking respect in the six directions, and 3) to analyze the relationship of respect and the six directions in Thai society. Respect for the Six Directions in Thai Society This research is a qualitative research, documentary research. The research results found that 1) The concept of respect in Theravada Buddhism. Respect means being aware, appreciating, knowing the virtues that exist. real existence of other people accept his good deeds wholeheartedly and show respect to that person by showing appropriate humility, both in front of and behind his back Every object in the world has its own properties. If anyone actually knows those qualities, it can be of great use. Showing respect means showing respect. There are 5 ways to show respect according to religious rules: 1. Abhivada means bowing down 2. Worship means paying homage 3. Anjali means putting hands together 4. Uttana means standing up 5. Samijikarma means showing humility.  2) The cause of the lack of respect for the six directions in Thai society is due to the misuse of values. which is caused by many reasons But it can be concluded that most of the students come from different families. Some have to come from parents who have separated to live with grandparents or relatives. The behavior of expressions demanding attention from friends. It is the reason why The students' behavioral expressions mentioned above are something that teachers need to be aware of and find solutions. observation Seen often is wanting to get attention from friends. because students when they come to study in that school have to be with friends all the time Sexual problems are one of the problems caused by youth's lack of self-esteem. It reflects the behavior of Thai children in modern times who are constantly facing changes. 3) The application of the principle of respect requires the basic human characteristics to live with others. There are three important forms: self-respect, respect for others. and respect for all forms of life and the environment that supports life according to the meaning of the six directions in the Singalaka Sutra, i.e., it mentions the duties that human beings should know because human beings are social animals. There must be a grouping together, a person cannot be alone. Therefore, human beings should have a duty. Human beings must have family, such as father, mother, brothers and sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends and subordinates. Persons should have religious goodness. Therefore, when a person has The aforementioned environment requires moderation in interactions with the aforementioned person. Therefore, it is like taking care of the six directions that surround us and is considered the duty of every human being.

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