Comparative study of the listening to evidence : case study of niggahakamma under the rules of sangha supreme council of thailand no.11 (b.e.2521) with the criminal procedure code section 226 and section 226/1

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The research study provides 4 objectives, 1) To study the principles of Niggahakamma under the Rules of Sangha Supreme Council of Thailand No.11 (B.E.2521). 2) To study the Listening to Evidence of the Criminal Procedure Code Section 226 and Section 226/1. 3) To compare between the Listening to Evidence of Niggahakamma under the Rules of Sangha Supreme Council of Thailand No.11 (B.E.2521) and the Criminal Procedure Code Section 226 and Section 226/1. and 4) To advice the ways to improve the Rules of Sangha Supreme Council of Thailand No.11 (B.E.2521) and concerning laws.This methodology is the qualitative research. The researcher has studied and collected data as well as the documentaries to comparative analysis by the method of Analytical Description which is the systematically linked context.

The results of the study, found that; 

  1. The principles of Niggahakamma (Punishment) under the Rules of Sangha Supreme Council of Thailand No.11 (B.E.2521), consisting of 9 kinds. 1) Tajjaniyakamma (intimidation) 2) Niyasakamma (Retraining) 3) Papajaniyakamma (expulsion) 4) Patisaraniyakamma (To repent) 5) Ukkhepaniyakhamma (Out-group) 6) Tassapapiyasikakamm (Forced to punish) 7) Pakasaniyakamma (Announcement) 8) Pattanikujjanakamma (Not associated to repent 9) Bhramadandajamma (Punishment to repent).

2.The results of comparative analysis between the Listening to Evidence of Niggahakamma under the Rules of Sangha Supreme Council of Thailand No.11 (B.E.2521) and the Criminal Law procedure found that the impleads, the investigations, the citing evidences and the enforcing Criminal Law, there are similar.

3.The suggestions is improvement The Sangha Supreme Council of Thailand No.11 (B.E.2521), in Section 4: The method of citing evidences by amendment the Section 55 (2), legislating the evidence listening of the considered committee by suitable amendment as follows:

On the considerations of evidence listening, according to 1) The court considering to all behaviors comprising as follows: (1) The value of proving, the importance and the belief of the evidence. (2) The behavior and the extreme illegality (3) The damage pattern of the illegality and (4) The person who committed illegal with the evidence should be punished or not and how to be penalizing.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)