The development of a sustainable Buddhist education

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พระครูนิพัทธ์กัลยาณวัฒน์ (คะนอง กลฺยาณธมฺโม), พระศรโสภณ ปภสฺสโร


The development of education Progressively from ancient times. With learning.  From the make and see to do it. It began in the era of civilization. Early education is a study of the civilization and traditions of each locality. Living  Most focus on living. Surviving from natural disasters. If you do not have any further education. There are no new inventions. The source of the human life is comfortable. Like today Education is important. Should be developed sustainably. Components of sustainable education include: The operation of education, Educational decision, Creating quality of life In general, it is a sustainable education. Must have Develop courses Human development. Goal and success In addition, the Buddhist principles must be introduced. Adapted to study. Because Buddhism teaches the mind. When people have a good heart. The environment is good, too. Therefore, the development of long-term sustainable education. Must be developed according to Buddhist principles. The principle of human development. Using the Tịrs̄ikk̄hā X. Sạmmā thit̩ṭ̄hi , Mạttạỵỵutā, and Magga 8 etc. When human beings are ready in mind.  The action is not harmful to society and environment Will be the same. The result is complete happiness. In the world today and happy when the world is gone. It has passed the good. Complete the following generations. Interminable.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)