Analyze the concept of contemplation in Theravada Buddhist philosophy

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พระครูนิวุตถ์ประชากร (ก้าน ฐิตกุสโล)


This article aims to present the concept of contemplation in Theravada Buddhist philosophy. Which contemplated by the meaning of Theravada Buddhist philosophy means focusing and burning. Access to practitioners to achieve that contemplation. Must be able to prosper in a humble manner

            Though contemplating not being able to eliminate all desires But it is also the basis for further reconciliation into meditation. Growth, peace and introspection must be practiced together. Therefore will be a way to escape suffering and all the desires. By using plainly to make the mind stand still as a meditation. Until various contemplations And use contemplation to lead to Vipassana

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)