รูปแบบภูมิปัญญาท้องถิ่นหมอพื้นบ้าน ด้านสมุนไพรจังหวัดมหาสารคาม

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ทิพพา ลุนเผ่
วัชรินทร์ สุทธิศัย
เสาวลักษณ์ นิกรพิทยา


 knowledge his research aimed to 1) study the condition of the folk doctor local knowledge in herbs of Mahasarakam Province, 2) study the character and process of the folk doctor local in herbs of Mahasarakam Province and 3) study the folk doctor knowledge pattern in herbs of Mahasarakam Province Sample used in the qualitative research were 5 local folk doctor obtained through in-depth interview and observation technique. The research results were as follows.

          1) The condition of the folk doctor local knowledge in herbs of Mahasarakam Province were heritage from ancestors and experience collection in treating for people in and nearby communities.

          2) The character and process of the folk doctor local in herbs of Mahasarakam Province were heritage using various herbs cooked in to medicine through the cooking and treatment process.

          3) The folk doctor local knowledge in herbs of Mahasarakam Province depended on the components of the folk doctor local knowledge condition which heritage from ancestors amd experience collection in treating illness for people in and nearby communities with patterns such as bolus and lotion medicine with incantation spelling.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)