Identity of Sakae Krang raft community, Uthai Thani province


  • Sadanu Sukkasame Faculty of Architecture, Bangkok University


architectural identity, Sakae Krang raft house, community, Uthai Thani


This paper aims to explain what factors are employed to define the identity of Sakae Krang community as times change. This study employs various data collection methods such as drawing, recording, photographs, mapping, interviews, group discussions and participant observation. However, this study focuses on collective identity rather than individual identity. Raft houses and environmental management express a process of the collective consciousness of the rafters that shows the similarities and differences of the group’s habitat. Therefore, the study focuses on examining the house forms and behaviours to explain the characteristics of communities, both physical, social and cultural aspects. This study will concentrate on theoretical discussions rather than architectural styles linked to the situations they are facing. It can be concluded that the identity of the Sakae Krang community is never completed and is always in the process of creating a new or modified one. Because the identity of the Sakae Krang community is a social relationship that is either constantly link to something or it is an ongoing process and always allows for new forms of change.


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