Self-disclosure and Anticipatory Reflection on Social Media: The Roles of Generational Cohorts and Platforms

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Papaporn Chaihanchanchai


This quantitative research employed a cross-sectional, online survey method. The objectives were threefold: 1) to explore self-disclosure and anticipatory reflection among social media users, 2) to analyze the influence of generation on self-disclosure and anticipatory reflection, when controlling usage hours, and 3) to compare self-disclosure and anticipatory reflection among social media users in different platforms (i.e., Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter). The data were drawn from 702 Thai social media users across various districts in Bangkok. It was found that Thai social media users moderately disclose themselves (M = 2.32, SD = 1.04) and had moderate-to-high anticipatory reflection (M = 3.61, SD = 0.80). Based on the multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA), self-disclosure (df = 2, M square = 19.39, F = 18.68, p = .00) and anticipatory reflection (df = 2, M square = 17.27, F = 29.95, p > .05) significantly depended on generation, while usage hours did not have any effect on such behaviors (Value = 0.00, F = 1.22, Hypothesis df = 2, Error df = 697, p > .05). In general, social media users across the four platforms were different in terms of self-disclosure (df = 3, M square = 27.46, F = 28.15, p = .00) and anticipatory reflection (df = 3, M square = 2.26, F = 3.57, p < .05).

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