Research Dissemination Through the Southern Local Communicator

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Jarernnate Saengdoungkhae


This research aimed: 1) to disseminate the research through the southern local communicator
2) to develop the southern local research communicator.. This qualitative research was designed as action research that emphasizes using the "activity media" to achieve output and outcome that focused on the implementation of creative activities and media production for the research dissemination and activities that promote the development of southern local communicators. The samples involved instructors teaching media production-related courses and students enrolled in these courses from four universities or equivalent higher education institutions in Songkhla province. The research tools were activity management, questionnaires, interviews, and participatoty observation. The result indicated that: 1) the dissemination of research through southern local communicators had the processes that consisted of the researcher selection, the coordination with researchers seeking to publish their work, the coordination with instructors teaching media production-related courses, the students selection who able to create and produce media, the activity organization among researchers, the analyzing costs and potential within the sample group, the activity organization for developing the research communicators, and the media evaluation from the research communicator. 2) the development of southern local communicators utilized the workshop activity organization by the researcher and the knowledge training organization by educational institutions. These initiatives aimed to elevate the abilities of learners categorized as "skilled in media but not content" and those categorized as "not skilled in media and content" to transform into individuals proficient in "skilled in media and content". Factors conducive to the successful development of communication researchers include the characteristics of course instructors, the advisory roles of instructor, and the course selection. Attributes of research communicators encompass skills in reading comprehension and interpretation, understanding researchers' objectives, the audience analyzing, the audience comprehending, capable of research communication, analytical thinking, data synthesis and organization, proficient media selection and design capabilities.

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