Tool Development of Media Health Literacy Measure on Eating and Exercise for Thai Children

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Nongnuch Jindarattanaporn
Sirinya Phulkerd


Children and youth expose to media and they get information that impact on their eating and exercise. Media health literacy on eating and exercise can improve eating and exercise of children. The objective of this study was to develop tool of media health literacy measure on eating and exercise among Thai children age 10-14 year. Mixed methods research was conducted and this method consisted of (1) documentary research to review the concept of media health literacy, (2) interview with 8 key informants and focus group among 6 children age 10-14 year to develop tool, and (3) sending tool to 5 key informants and 40 children age 10-14 year to test quality of the tool. The findings of this study found that media health literacy on eating and exercise tools were 4 video clips and questionnaires which consisted of four skills: (1) perception and understanding (2) analysis (3) evaluation and (4) intention to action. There were 15 questions in the questionnaires. For testing tool, content validity results found that content validity index (CVI) and content validity ratio (CVR) = 1. For reliability, Cronbach’s alpha values were 0.690-0.808 and interclass correlation coefficients were 0.690-0.799. These meant that this tool revealed good properties, appropriable content validity, and acceptable reliability. Therefore, the tool in this study could be used to assess media health literacy on eating and exercise among Thai children age 10-14 year.

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