The Success Factors Model Affecting Consumer Purchase Intention of Video Advertising Through Online Social Influencer

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Maythaya Preeyanon
Patchanee Cheyjunya


This research aims to study the success factors model affecting consumer purchase intention of video advertising through online social influencer. For the research hypothesis, the success factors model affecting consumer purchase intention of video advertising through online social influencer that the researcher have developed was consistent harmonious with empirical data. And for the methodology, it is a quantitative research that use the surveying method by using the questionnaire as a tool for collecting the data. The sample population for this research is Gen-Y consumers who can access to internet, to exposure for the advertising news through online influencers and access to services and products through online social of 365 people. After that, analyzed all data by using the statistical analysis of structural equation modeling. And the result shows that the success factors model affecting consumer purchase intention of video advertising through online social influencer that the researcher have developed was consistent harmonious with empirical data with statistic significant 0.001. When considering the influence value or causal relationship model and path coefficient, effectiveness of online influencer has a positive direct influence on attitude towards advertising and brand with path coefficient 0.964 and 0.762 respectively. While the attitude towards advertising has a direct positive influence on purchase intent with path coefficient 0.452. And the attitude towards brand also has a direct positive influence on purchase intent with path coefficient 0.413. So, the effects of various influences can be described as a positive influence. Moreover, all information can describe the purchase intent from Squared Multiple Correlations as .649.

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