Characteristic of Travel Influencers on Facebook and Followers’ Attitudes and Behaviors

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Pim Sirisawat
Saravudh Anantachart


This survey study is aimed to investigate: 1) characteristics of travel influencers on Facebook, and 2) their influences on followers’ attitudes and behaviors. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data from 441 males and females, aged between 25 and 34 years old, living in Bangkok, having followed ZuvapitSnap and I Roam Alone Facebook Fanpages, and having read information from both fanpages during the past three months. The findings showed that characteristics of the influencers from both fanpages were significantly different. For ZuvapitSnap fanpage, influencers' credibility had the most significant influences on followers’ attitude towards presented contents and their travel behaviors. Meanwhile, parasocial interaction played the most important part on influencing followers’ attitude towards the influencers and their participation on Facebook. For I Roam Alone fanpage, followers’ attitudes and behaviors were mostly influenced by the influencers' credibility.

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