The Approach of Customer Experience Management by Augmented Reality

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Lalita Puangmaha



he present business has observed increasing customer experience management by augmented reality (AR) therefore, business operators should wisely adopt the AR through various experience touch points along the customer path toward their decision making. Accordingly, the AR should be employed at the step of “ask”, the basis of how interactive media be created to present more exact details of product and services responding to the keen interest of customers prior to their buying decision. At the further step of “act” both the exact business information and the AR could be as well implemented to deliver new products or services during the period of user interface while setting up the customer database to response to any possible questions or problems and to provide affective personalization approaches during the period of in-depth interaction based on product using, consuming and after sales service. The aforementioned entire customer experiences are the main factors to enhance customer loyalty for continually repeat-buying with impressive encouraging to induce product or service to other users.

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