Guideline on News Reporting of Global Terrorism for Thai Journalists

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Sukanlaya Kongpradit


The research aims to 1) study news reporting of global terrorism by Thai journalists 2) study Thai Muslim’s gratification on news reporting of global terrorism by Thai journalists and 3) propose a guideline on news reporting of global terrorism. The mixed methodology was combined between quantitative and qualitative approach. Thus, there is documentary research as a tool for analyze on global terrorism news reported by Thairath, Dailynews, 33HD TV station and 7HD TV station. Then, it would be summarized with a content analysis. There is also 400 copies of questionnaire for gathering data about Thai Muslim’s gratification on news reporting of global terrorism. Proportionate Sampling is used for finding appropriate respondents who are represented for Muslims across Thailand. Then, the data is analyzed by a computer software. In-depth interview is another tool for gathering data from key formants in order to analyze as a guideline on news reporting of global terrorism. It consists of 64 samples that are selected to be a representative of entire Thai Muslim and 6 experts on Islamic study. The result finds Thai news agencies had been reporting on global news related to terrorism with Western paradigm for many years. The sample group has satisfied on news reporting of global terrorism with intermediate level at the average of 2.75. For a conclusion of a guideline on news reporting, it suggests that news should be only fact. Journalist should select news from reliable and various sources and also report more positive stories about Muslim world. Journalist should not add any opinion in news. A sensitive issue should not be published until it is verified. News should not be presented as terrorist represents entire Muslim. Headline should avoid using Islamic wording such as “Muslim” and “Islam”. At last, news should avoid using an image/video that appears Islamic symbolic.

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Author Biography

Sukanlaya Kongpradit, Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University


Master of Communication Arts (Mass Communication) Chulalongkorn University (2003)


Current position: Assistant Professor of Communication Arts Program. Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty, Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University


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