Thai Film Distribution and Exhibition Business: Impact on Thai Film Creators, Audience and Society

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Unaloam Chanrungmaneekul


The paper explores the impact of cinema theatres business and film sub-distribution business on Thai film creators, audience and Thai society. The study covers between 1997 and 2018. Three theories were employed, film industry structure, vertical integration of media and the market structure. The findings show that cinema theatres business and film sub-distribution business including others factors created “the system of film distribution and exhibition”. That system had the particular attribution, the oligopoly market of cinema theatres business and the monopoly market of film sub-distribution business. The attribution affected on Thai film creators in aspect of investing VPF fee and other promotion and exhibition costs. Moreover, they received allocation of screening revenue unfairly. As for audience and Thai society, it seemed to be not possible to have an opportunity to watch a variety of films that affected on creating artistic skills and thinking.

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