4 Smarts’ Innovation Adoption in Elderly Club Leader, Don Mueng District

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Malinee Sompopcharoen
Kwanjai Amnajsatsue
Kandawasee Malewong


This research is a mixed-method model consisted of quantitative research and qualitative research. The objective was to study the process of diffusion innovation in the 4 SMART curricula, namely, do not depression, do not fall, do not forget, and enjoy eating among the leaders of the Elderly Club in Don Mueang District for the benefit of bringing knowledge of all 4 Smart to expand these curricula toward the members of the elderly club for healthy well-being. The research process started with 14 senior elderly club leaders, trained a 4-SMART course for two days, and collected data using the 4 SMART assessments and participatory observation. Team researchers play the facilitator's role in supporting 4 SMART training, including following elderly leaders to observe and organize activities to disseminate knowledge trained to their members of the elderly club. The 4 SMARTs analyzed by using frequencies. It found that 13 cases as a malnutrition risk assessment inferred that the elderly were likely to fall in the future, even though the fall assessment results were low for all club leaders. However, it found that many factors may increase the risk of falling in the future, such as living in a house with a raised platform height of 5.1 meters or more or 2 -floored house, routinely medical drug consumption. Results from the innovation adoption process of elderly club leader in qualitative research found that they used interpersonal communication and line application due to text and picture transmission with fluency, low-cost, over-expectation according to the Technological Acceptance Model premise (TAM). In conclusion, It integrated interpersonal communication through face-to-face communication and social media like line application to disseminate health messages for older adults' well-being. Moreover, the leaders in some clubs are female. In terms of the depression assessment, and there was no cause of depression. The results of this study can use as a preventive guideline for elderly health. Because the elderly has poor nutrition will lead to dementia, falling and depression in the future. 

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