Communication of Entrepreneurial Identity in the Television Program "A Yu Noi Roi Lan"

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Pitak Chumongkol


The study is qualitative research aimed to study the identity construction of a young entrepreneurial identity in the "A Yu Noi Roi Lan" (A young hundred-millionaire) Television program. The textual analysis was conducted with twenty-nine episodes broadcast in 2019. Besides, the decoding of the entrepreneurial identity constructed in the program was studied by an in-depth interview with 12 entrepreneurs from purposive sampling. 

From the study, it was found from the textual analysis that 1) The program presented business operation in the service sector the most. Most business companies had been operated for more than 1-5 years. 2) The indicator mentioned the most as an accomplishment of business entrepreneurship was a financial success, while the most influential factor in business success was internal organizational factors. 3) The following entrepreneurial identities were found from the study: (3.1) an innovation creator, (3.2) a risk-taker, (3.3) a curious learner, (3.4) an active worker, (3.5) a person with high self-efficacy, (3.6) a person with high persistence to solve a problem, and (3.7) a person with full responsibilities. 

Concerning the viewers' decoding of the meaning, most of them viewed the texts with preferred reading, or in the way the program wanted them to, and a part of them decoded the texts' meanings by negotiated meaning.  The findings illustrate the influence of television in constructing an entrepreneurial identity effectively to the audience through a narration of the true business experiences of entrepreneurs.  Furthermore, the decoding ways of the audience who were entrepreneurs were found to be varied partly by direct experiences or lessons from their business entrepreneurship.

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