The Format of National Security and the Concept of Information Operations in Politic Contents via Online Media

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Soralak Pongpo
Yubol Benjarongkij


This research is a quantitative research using content analysis method relating to national security in politic contents via online media. The objectives of this research were 1) to study the format of national security in politic contents via official government and political activist group online channels 2) to analyze theme issues of national security in politic contents of government and political activist group 3) 3. to analyze the format of government and political activist group’s Information Operations in politic content via online media The results indicated that government used online channels posting mostly related to   country reform, the creation of reconciliation, and 20-year national strategy by using General Prayut Chan-O-Cha, Prime Minister and Head of the NCPO as direct and indirect sources. On the other hand, political activist group used online channels posting the issues about coup and not supporting government policy by using Phuea Thai Party as direct and indirect sources. Last but not least, the result of information operation (IO) found that both government and political activist group had extremely different intention, especially the issue of the government came from the coup. Therefore, both groups used information Operation (IO) to support their own intention or goal.  

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