Internal Communication Strategy in Crisis of State Enterprises in Thailand

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Pawin Srikasemsuk
Tatri Taiphapoon


The objective of this research is to analyze internal communication strategy, message design and internal communication channel for crisis management of state enterprises in Thailand. This research is a qualitative research which methodology of Documentary Check and In-Depth Interview with those who is responsible for the corporate communication and message recipient of each organization composed of PTT public company limited (PTT), Krungthai Bank Public Company Limited, Airport of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT), plus, the additional interview of 20 specialist and academician results found that the internal communication strategy in crisis consists of: Communication strategies and convincing strategies which communication strategy consist of 4 sub-strategies: sender strategies, message creation and design strategies, use of media and communication channel strategies and recipient strategies by all 3 organizations have a similar strategic crisis communication strategy. In term of communication in crisis, PTT has a clear communication guideline through the establishment of a crisis management center with 3 levels of severity while AOT also established an crisis management center, but its communication guideline still unclear and Krungthai Bank have tools to analyze the severity of crisis without the establishment of crisis management center.

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