Constructing Communication Skill Measurement for Job Applicants in Private Organizations

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แพรมาศ บูรณมานัส
รุ้ง ศรีอัษฎาพร


This study was aimed to explore the indicators of job applicants’ communication skills, to construct and test the quality of communication skill measurement, and to develop the measurement criteria for job applicants. The researcher conducted an in-depth interview with a human resource management executive in an organization to be studied. Job applicants’ communication skill measurement and the measurement criteria were then constructed based upon test specification for the measurement.  The criteria of measurement were determined at the three levels of communication competence: 1) the pre-competent level, 2) the threshold level, and 3) the proficient level. The quality of measurement was validated by five experts in the areas of communication, human resource management, and measurement and evaluation. Finally, the pilot test of validated communication skill measurement was conducted with one hundred and thirty samples consisting of one hundred university students and thirty organizational job applicants. Results of this study revealed the five indicators of job applicants’ communication skills. The skill in listening, speaking, reading, writing and interpersonal relations in organizations. Job applicants’ communication skill measurement was constructed in the form of twenty perceptually situational-based multiple-choice questions. Content validity of the measurement was between 0.2-1. Reliability of the measurement was 0.65 at the difficult level of 0.62 and the discriminating power of 0.53. The measurement criteria were determined at the pre-competent, threshold, and proficient levels of communication competence with the scores of sample responses between 20-33, 34-47, and 48-60 respectively.


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