Betong: Strategies of the Tourism Communication Under the Violence Crisis in the Three Southern Border Provinces

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กัณฐิมา แก้วงาม
วิไลวรรณ จงวิไลเกษม


The main objective of this qualitative research study was to study the tourism communication  strategy of Betong  area  under  the  context of  violence in the three southern border provinces. The study is divided into two parts. The first part explores documents related to tourism communication in Betong District. The second part is in-depth interview with the tourism stakeholders of Betong and those involved in policy, strategy and tourism communication in Betong. The questioning started by the midst of longstanding violence in the three southern border provinces. Betong district is located in the dangerous zone of the three southern border provinces. But Betong is the popular destination for tourist, and can generate the most income for tourism of Southern Border Provinces. This is interesting for study How Betong has a strategies for communication tourism, under the unrest in the three southern border provinces. The research found that Betong has used tourism communication strategy by using activities media, personal media and online media. And the main content is tourism in positive image of Betong to demonstrate safety in traveling to area and to create a good image even under violent circumstances. Most of the main content includes pictures and text about beautiful places in the area and surrounding areas. Unique culture and tradition identity of the community, local products, the way of life and atmosphere of the city to tell the story to convince tourists or visitors to visit. And have the frequency of communication regularly.

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