The effect of Celebrities Endorsers on Cosmetic Purchase Intention

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ปณิชามน ตระกูลสม


This study investigated the effects of using celebrities for guaranteeing the cosmetics towards  customers’  buying  intention.  The  researcher  conducted  this study for  the Following objectives: 1) to study the population features of the cosmetic consumers, perception towards factors affecting the use of celebrities for guaranteeing the cosmetics and the consumers’ buying intention; 2) to study the population variations influencing cosmetics buying intention; and 3) to investigate the relations between the perceptions of the configurations of celebrities and the cosmetics buying intention. The results of the study revealed that the questionnaire respondents are between 31 - 40 of age, undergraduates, working for private companies with an average salary of 15,001 – 30,000 Baht. In examining the variations of population features, it was found that the differences of age, education level, and occupation of the samples distinctively affect their buying intention to the cosmetics guaranteed by celebrities, but the differences of incomes did not distinctively affect their buying intention toward the cosmetics guaranteed by celebrities. Regarding the perceptions to the relations between the 5 configurations of celebrities, it was found that the overall buying intention is positively correlated to the perceptions toward the configurations of celebrities guaranteeing the cosmetics. The most affected configuration was the resemblance at 0.57 of relation level, followed by the trustworthiness at 0.51 of relation level, the expertise and proficient at 0.46 of relation level, and the respectiveness and acceptation at 0.25 of relation level with a statistical significance of 0.1. However, it was shown that the attraction had a negative relation, or was bound by, the buying intention to the cosmetics guaranteed by celebrities at 0.05 of statistic significance level with a relation level of -0.008, making it is not in accordance with the hypothesis

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