ช่องทางการจัดจําหน่ายสิ่งของที่มีตราบุหรี่ (CPI : Cigarette promotional items) สิ่งที่ผู้ขายก็ไม่รู้ ผู้ซื้อก็ไม่ทราบว่า...ผิดกฎหมาย
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Products with cigarette promotional items are satisfied especially among teenagers. A research found that collecting this type of items will stimulate teenagers trying to smoke cigarette and perhaps becoming a cigarette addicted, including several diseases from cigarette as well. Moreover, the public has to expense a huge budget for curing each year. According to the Tobacco Control Act 1992 Section 8, any sellers who provide these products are guilty. The study found that many sellers, including areas of Silom, Kao Saan, Sompeng, Jatujak and Tevet, hardly know that selling products of cigarette promotional items are illegal. This is a phenomenon in Bangkok. Most sellers, relating these products, in provinces, however, absolutely know nothing either it's illegal or they are guilty by this law.
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