The Influence of Micro-Influencer on the Decision to buy High Involvement product (Personal Car)

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ชัญญาภรณ์ แสงตะโก
ปฐมา สตะเวทิน


This qualitative study aimed to investigate 1) the behavior of information exposure  and  search before make decision to buy  High Involvement product (Personal Car) 2) the satisfaction and attitude of the perception about personal car review from micro-influencer in social media 3) the influence of micro-influencer and macro-influencer on the decision to buy High Involvement product (Personal Car). The methods used to collect the data is focus group discussion were employed with the group of first purchasing and second purchasing or more. Each group consist of 1) First Jobber 2) Manager Level and 3) Family (Prices was set between 700,000-1,500,000 bath and the period of purchasing was for one year). In total, 12 participants took part in these discussions.

            The result illustrated that the consumer adopts and reach to information from Micro-Influencer such as family, acquaintances who have knowledge of cars or reviews from real users on the online channel. They find information before making a purchase but do not know what these resources are Micro-Influencer. When the consumer understands the meaning and context of Micro-Influencer subs equently, the reliability of the Micro-Influencer and content of review can change the attitudes in perception levels. Moreover, comparing the influence levels between Micro-Influencer and Macro-Influencer on the decision to buy found that Micro-Influencer Influence on purchasing decision at the level of preference while Macro-Influencer Influence at the level of consideration. However, both of them cannot accelerate the purchase decision because the affected factors is a marketing mix such as promotion and after sales service. 

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