Effects of Homosexual Imagery in Advertising on Consumer Behavior

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ศรันยา หงษ์ทอง
รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.สราวุธ อนันตชาติ
สุทธิลักษณ์ หวังสันติธรรม


This research was a 2x2 factorial designed experimental study, with the objectives to examine main and interaction effects of model’s gender in homosexual imagery advertising (male and female) and level of homosexual imagery in advertising (implicit and explicit homosexual imagery) on consumer behaviors, which consisted of emotional response, consumer-perceived social connectedness, consumer-perceived empathy, attitude toward the ad, attitude toward the brand, attitude toward homosexuality, and purchase intention. The experiment was conducted with 141 undergraduate students between the ages of 18 and 25 years old, during April 2018. The findings showed that type of model’s gender in homosexual imagery advertising and level of homosexual imagery in advertising had no significant main effects on consumer behaviors. Furthermore, these two factors had also no significant interaction effects on consumer behaviors.

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