Humor communication that reflects discrimination in Thai society

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Pongprad Soonthornpasuch


This article is about the humor communication of Thai people. The first objective is to analyze and review the issue of using jokes that reflect discrimination in Thai society, which is commonly overlooked, i.e., bodily jokes, sexual jokes, and racism jokes. The second objective is to create social awareness on negative humors. Some humor communication is the reproduction of sexism value, insulting the minority, violating listener's social norms, or it may be considered some forms of harassment. The author points out that bodily jokes, sexual jokes, and racism jokes may be offensive to the audience or hurt one’s feeling. Therefore, Thai society should create awareness on significant international principles, including discrimination; discrimination based on physical appearance or lookism; and harassment. In order to understand that creating new social etiquette about making joke is not a limitation of communication freedom, but respecting the rights and dignity of a person.

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