Efficiency Evaluation of Internal Communication Channels Used in PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited

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Duangrat Junjamla
Pavel Slutskiy


The objective of this research was to analyze different channels used in PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited to communicate with their employees based on the current internal communication strategy. The analysis focused on the efficiency of traditional communication channels in comparison with digital channels including social media in terms of its achievement of satisfaction and engagement with employees. Also, this research identified the different media mix including social media on how they play an increasing role in company. One hundred respondents who were PTTEP employees, aged between 25-60 years old, who have at least 2-3 years of working experience from different employment categories; Management, Professional Officer, Technical Officer and Staff were asked to participate in experiment and interview method.  Results show that employees realize the importance role of new method of communication used by company. They mentioned that the day-to-day communication between company and employees occurs regularly through corporate email and intranet system. Employees at all levels have their own preferred choice of channels for getting the information if it is related to working issues. Moreover, employees were satisfied with the internal communication process that is conducted by various channels. They agreed that social media is the online communications that can be easily created, edited and shared between company and employees or among teams of employees working together.

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Author Biographies

Duangrat Junjamla

Duangrat Junjamla (Master of Arts in strategic communication management, Chulalongkorn University, 2017, duangrat.love@gmail.com) currently is a secretary to VP of geophysics department, PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited.

Pavel Slutskiy

Pavel Slutskiy (PhD, St. Petersburg State University, 2008, pavel.slutsky@gmail.com) is a lecturer at the  Department of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.


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