The Inspiration of Anatomy to the Art Created by Artists

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Atiyot Sankaburanurak


Since man first knew systematic medical knowledge, man has realized the value of anatomical knowledge to perform surgery and cure human diseases safely. However, these decades have proven that anatomy is not only a medical science, but also discovered the fact that anatomy uses the body as an object of study and becomes a matter of ethics to reveal a tumultuous past. Furthermore, its anatomy and indistinguishable composition have become the inspiration of a number of anatomists and artists. This article aims to present the background of anatomy and to present the inspiration of anatomy for the art created by artists, by mentioning 2 Thai artists and 4 foreign artists, to reflect anatomy permeates the works of art and works of art also imbued with anatomy.

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How to Cite
Sankaburanurak, A. (2024). The Inspiration of Anatomy to the Art Created by Artists. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 16(1), 315–335. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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