Participating Production Management of a Theatre Mixed Film Production: Intersection

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Phongsak Pimpaengrak
Sasiwimon Wongwattanadech
Pachaya Akkapram


The article presents the results of the creative process of the Intersection display. The main objectives are to find a solution and a procedure for the production of theatre mixed films that are suitable for the COVID-19 epidemic situation. The operation was divided into three stages: pre-production, during production, and after production. The findings indicate that: 1. A team's participating production management has emerged. It resulted from a working style change to be appropriate for the epidemic situation of COVID-19 by having fewer than seven people in the team. 2. Team members must have skills, experiences, knowledge, abilities, and potential for more than one duty to cover the other roles and responsibilities in the production process. 3. This method is appropriate for theatre mixed film productions or small film groups.

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How to Cite
Pimpaengrak, P., Wongwattanadech, S., & Akkapram, P. (2023). Participating Production Management of a Theatre Mixed Film Production: Intersection. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 15(2), 30–53. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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