Music Therapy and Ritual Sounds as Deep Healing Music

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Chitsanupong Intarakaew


The study of the brain bases for musical listening has advanced greatly. When people take a short rest with closed eyes and listening music, an alpha wave appears with brain signals. The alpha wave music can improve more relaxing for people.

Music known to have positive effects on humans, enhances learning and aids the healing process. Music affects the physical, psychological, and spiritual status of persons. Musical wave exhibits resonance with the fundamental frequency of human, influences vibrations of throughout the body, and can affect psychological healing. For music therapy, an appropriate selection of types of music, the right volume and other influencing factors is required for the desired consequences of music in promoting well-being of persons. There were many medical reports proofed that the usefulness of music therapy as to reduce suffering and to promote relaxation of patients.

 This paper aims to survey the body of knowledge about the music therapy review in comparative perspective. Start from the relationship between frequency and power emitted by live music in affecting human brainwaves. And study from case studies, music therapy and musical worship. To compare and demonstrate the mechanism of listening to music can relieve pain.

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How to Cite
Intarakaew, C. (2022). Music Therapy and Ritual Sounds as Deep Healing Music. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 14(2), 300–318. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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