Design of Silver Jewelry from Motifs on Celadon Products in Sukhothai Province.

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Wilailak Binder
Patharaporn Wanuta


The objectives of this research were 1) to study on motifs on celadon products from Sukhothai Province; 2) to design silver jewelry from motifs on celadon products from Sukhothai Province; and 3) to evaluate users’ satisfaction towards the style of silver jewelry from motifs on celadon products from Sukhothai Province. The samples are 30 people. The tool used in this research is the satisfaction evaluation questionnaire. The statistical values used for analyzing the obtained data are percentages, means and standard deviations. The findings from the research show that 1) The motifs on celadon products from Sukhothai Province are black shark minnow fish, fort and bloated back; 2) Silver jewelry set includes a necklace, earrings and a ring, the design principles are used to analyze the simplicity, the materials, the functions, the beauty and the unique; and 3) The experts satisfaction assessment results to the overall feature of the designed product is in the ‘high’ level (=4.04, S.D.=0.68) and the 30 people’ satisfaction towards the overall feature of the designed product is in the ‘high’ level (=3.93, S.D.=0.68).

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How to Cite
Binder, W., & Wanuta, P. (2021). Design of Silver Jewelry from Motifs on Celadon Products in Sukhothai Province. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 13(2), 136–147. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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